In this article, I tell you how to use standard export and import and a few small scripts to migrate a database from incompatible versions of odoo without using open upgrade.
In the process of manual migration, I still suggest that you familiarize yourself with the automated migration of open upgrade OCA. because migrating manually using scripts is quite expensive. And I migrated all the data 2 times 1 time during the migration process and the second time after everything was ready, I added new data, because the campaign works non-stop. In the case of automatic scripts, this is much easier!
0.Companies usuall export and import)
check account_fiscal_country_id set on all companies
1.Account tax, tax group can be created. account.account
1. account taxes. (account tax group create by name)
2.account.account (disable default journal defend in odoo core)
a)First part, only info fields.
Fields email,city, ИНН (custom), КПП(custom), ОГРН(custom), ОКПО(custom), name, company_name, наименование(custom) , передан другим менеджером(custom), phone, street,street2, is a company, is a customer, is a vendor, mobile, address_type,salesperson
attention!when you import contacts odoo 14 auto set salesperson admin and when create sale order and select custome salesperson will set admin. Dont forger reset this field and import from old database again
b)Second part, relation childs_ids and parent_id (related company)
2.Users and passwords and groups
1.Passwords store in flectra and odoo 11EE in password_crypt field as hash we need disable auto convert hash for import is
2.Contracts (custom)
1.Export import fields
3.Lead (crm.lead)
1.Export import fields. Rename planned_revenue to expected_revenue
4.Bank (
1.Export import fields
5.Bank partner (
1.Export import fields
1.Export import fields (without lines) dont forget export archive sale.order and your custom fields in my case (1c_date)
6.1.Product.product (dont forget archived records)
1.Import product.product without company_id
2.Import product template with links to product.product and without company_id
3.Delete auto create product.template
4.Also if you use multi companies export tax customers and vendors in prooduct.product, because from it will set default tax in sale order lines
7.Спецтехника (custom)
1.Export import fields
Our custom fields
1.Export import fields
2.Dont forget set unit of measure from product, i use this script
_inherit='sale.order.line' def recompute_product_uom(self): """ миграция проставляет единицы измерения из товара """ for s in self: s.product_uom = s.product_id.uom_id
9.Details.line (custom)
1.Export import fields
Our custom fields
1.Export import fields (without lines), in excel duplicate column date and rename invoice_date, because in version 14 have 3 dates in move date,invoice_date (number do from it field) and invoice_due_date. If use multi company export parts company by company and in this case company will detect auto from default
2.commit sequence check if have error with number
in file. temporaly after import uncommit
3.move_type field to readonly = False, for import capability
1.Change currency_id field to required=False, move_id field to readonly=False, full_reconcile_id to readonly=false for capability with import
2.Change core, commit this in create func, if we get error not valid balance on import our lines, because in odoo 11 credit can be not compare debit.
12.Account.move part 2
1.Export account.invoice and import to move(replace column) and save only column with move_id is set
it will save type of invoice customer or vendor bills and link to sale.order, by invoice_origin field for customer invoice - invoice_date not imported.
Also in odoo 14 vendor bills only 1 can be per sale.order with this date and reference
2.Start script for link move to sale.order (because in 11 version only account.invoice link to sale.order)
def migration_link_move_saleorder(self): for s in self: if s.invoice_origin and (s.move_type == 'in_invoice' or s.move_type == 'out_invoice'): # sale_order = self.env['sale.order'].search([('name','=',s.ref)], limit=1) sale_order = self.env['sale.order'].search([('name','=',s.invoice_origin)], limit=1) if sale_order: if s.move_type == 'in_invoice': if not in sale_order.invoice_supp_ids.ids: sale_order.invoice_supp_ids = [(4,]
if s.move_type == 'out_invoice': if not in sale_order.invoice_ids.ids: sale_order.invoice_ids = [(4,] for lines in sale_order.order_line: for linem in s.line_ids: # if lines.price_unit*lines.product_uom_qty == linem.debit: if == lines.invoice_lines = [(4,] break
3.After it we can calc price_unit because price store in account.invoice.line in 11 and in account.moce.line in 14
def compute_price_unit_debit_credit(self): """ функция вычисляет стоимость единицы на основе дебита или кредита, необходима для миграции так как в 11 версии оду ЕЕ цена хранится в account.invoice приходится пересчитывать """ self = self.with_context(check_move_validity=False) for s in self: if s.state != 'posted': try: if s.move_type == 'out_invoice': for ml in s.line_ids: if # our tax always 20% = 1.2 if ml.tax_ids: ml.price_unit = round( * 1.2 / (ml.quantity or 1.0), 2) else: ml.price_unit = round( / (ml.quantity or 1.0), 2) ml._onchange_price_subtotal() ml._onchange_mark_recompute_taxes() else: ml.exclude_from_invoice_tab = True if s.line_ids: s.action_post() if s.move_type == 'in_invoice': for ml in s.line_ids: if ml.debit: if ml.tax_ids: # our tax always 20% = 1.2 ml.price_unit = round(ml.debit * 1.2 / (ml.quantity or 1.0), 2) else: ml.price_unit = round(ml.debit / (ml.quantity or 1.0), 2) ml._onchange_price_subtotal() ml._onchange_mark_recompute_taxes() else: ml.exclude_from_invoice_tab = True if s.line_ids: s.action_post() except: pass
3.After it we should recompute amount residual
def tree_button_compute_amount_residual(self): count = 0 for s in self: if s.state == 'posted': for ml in s.line_ids: try: ml._compute_amount_residual() except: count +=1
1.Commit core code temporaly, in create function account.payment
# vals['move_type'] = 'entry'
# TODO# if 'line_ids' not in vals_list[i]:# to_write['line_ids'] = [(0, 0, line_vals) for line_vals in pay._prepare_move_line_default_vals(write_off_line_vals=write_off_line_vals)]